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Alexei's music collection
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General information

Here you can find a list of my music collection consisting of over 7000 full albums. Also you can learn how to trade with me.

I trade MP3 files stored on CD/DVD-R media by snail mail. Actually, this is the main subject to which the site is dedicated. Briefly, the trading process is usually done in the way as follows. A person who is interested in albums from my list and who has got something to offer me with regard to my preferences, contacts me by e-mail and then we negotiate about the albums we want to trade. Then, each of us stores the albums chosen by his partner on CD/DVD-R discs which are afterwards being sent by mail. You can find more details about my demands for trades and for the quality of music on the Rules page.

If you are interested in this offer, please do not hesitate to contact me at, I will reply to every message.

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